Spring, Summer &
PD Day Camp Info
Pre & Post Camp
Regular camp hours are 9:00 am-4: 00 pm. To accommodate an earlier drop off and/or later pick up time for parents we do offer pre and post camp care for a fee. You must pre-register for this option to ensure proper
staffing/child ratios are met. Registration is available online. Day camp staff will NOT be available to care for
children prior to 8:50 am or later than 4:10 pm unless they are registered in the pre and post camp care.
Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch may be ordered online up to 24 hours prior to the required day. Please note that our hot lunch
consists of a main course with veggies/dip or fruit and a drink. You will need to pack a dessert, extra drinks, and
snacks to round out the food for the day.
Consent/Waiver Forms
An informed consent and emergency contact form must be filled out online and submitted electronically
through our website. Children who do not have a signed form on file are not permitted to attend day camp
programs. These forms are only required to be filled out once (unless information changes) for the 2024 Day
Camp season and will be kept on file. Access online waiver here.
What to Bring
Please provide a backpack for your child to carry their belongings in and clearly label items with your child’s name. Lost and Found items will be kept at the Guest Services area for a month and will then be donated.
All camp options may include inside and outside time, games, and creative activities. Please dress appropriately for all weather conditions.
Clean indoor running shoes
Lunch, Snacks (nut free) and refillable drink container (clearly marked with your child’s name)
What Not to Bring
Items Containing Nut Products. We strive to provide a nut-free camp environment. When packing snacks and lunches please ensure they are nut-free for the safety of all participants.
Food Items That Require Heating (there is no option for us to do this)
Any extra items than the ones requested.
No Electronics.
No Money. No purchases will be allowed from vending machines or concession during camp hours.
Field Trip Days – Splash Park & Swimming (Wednesday’s)
Select Wednesday’s, school age camps will have a field trip to the Okotoks Recreation Centre. Camps
with children ages 5-8 will enjoy an afternoon at the Splash Park and camps with children ages 9-12 will go
swimming in the pool during public swim. There will be NO exceptions to the age breakdowns so please be sure
your child is aware of their particular activity.
** Preschool (3-5 years) camps require bathing suit and towel on Tuesday’s (am camps) and Wednesday’s (pm camps) but will not be leaving the premises. Outdoor activities around the field house will be enjoyed.
Field Trip Friday
There are three Fridays within the available summer camps that will have an off-site field trip to the Okotoks Cinema. Please make sure you are registered for the day. Daily camp options do not include the Friday registration. Full week camps include the Friday option. All children must be at camp by 9:00am on these Friday’s. Children will need a
bagged nut-free lunch labeled with their name, there will not be hot lunch on these Friday’s. Separate field trip
forms will be required for your child to participate in the field trip.
Sunscreen Policy
Please apply sunscreen on your children before they arrive at camp. Children may spend time outside for
activities, snacks or after care and should have appropriate sun protection. Please put extra sunscreen in your
child’s backpack (labeled with their name) for use during the day. Approximately every 3 hours, at lunchtime and
at the beginning of after care, we will reapply spray sunscreens provided by the families to children from the neck
down. For the safety of staff and children day camp staff will not use their hands to apply cream sunscreen to
children. Since spray sunscreen cannot be applied to the face, children should bring a sunhat or learn how to use
apply sunscreen to their face by themselves. All sunscreen should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
Day Camp Age Groups
We will make every effort to maintain the age groups specified, however, we do reserve the right to combine age groups within specific camp themes if necessary. Preschool and School Age camps will not be combined other than during snack and lunch breaks.
Refund Policy
If you withdraw from a camp/program at least 7 days before the start date a $10 cancellation fee per registration
will be applied to your refund or credit. No refund or credit will be issued if the withdrawal occurs less than a week
from the start date or after a program starts, except for medical reasons (physician’s note required). Withdrawal
from programs for medical reasons will be effective from the date of the note and must be received prior to
the program end date. Credits can be applied towards another Field House sponsored activity, class, camp or
program. No refunds or credits will be applied for withdrawals from pre or post camp care.
Withdrawal Policy
If you withdraw from a class a minimum of 7 days before the start date, a $10 cancellation fee per registration
will be applied to your refund or credit. No refund or credit will be issued if the withdrawal occurs less than
7 days from the start date or after a program starts except for medical reasons (physician’s note required).
Withdrawal from a program for medical reasons after the program has started will be effective from the date of
the note and a refund will be provided for remaining classes in the program.
Children with Special Needs/Aides
All children are welcome and encouraged to participate in our day camp programs and we strive to provide an environment that will enhance community inclusion while creating awareness and acceptance of different abilities.
Please note: children requiring an aide at school must have an aide during camps. Coordination is the responsibility of the family. Aides must be ready to take an active role with your child in all activities.